Did you know that businesses can advertise on Yelp? Businesses can create sponsored ads that appear on sites, mobile apps, and other advertising channels. These ads are pay-per-click ads that show up alongside standard search results and come with a monthly fee. However, if you no longer want to pay for these sponsored ads or simply don’t see the value in them, it’s easy to cancel your Yelp Ads contract. Here is how you can do it.

Check your contract details before cancelling

Before you cancel your contract with Yelp, you should double-check the terms of your contract. This will help you understand your cancellation rights and avoid any potential penalties. To find your contract details, head over to your Yelp Ads account and select “Billing.” Here, select “View Contract” to see your specific contract terms. It’s important to review your contract before cancelling so you know what to expect.

How to Cancel Your Yelp Ads Contract

If you decide to cancel your Yelp Ads contract, you can do so by heading to your account’s “Manage Ads” page. From here, select “Cancel Contract” at the top of the page. Yelp will show you a warning message that reads “Cancelling your contract will stop all ads associated with your account.” This means that cancelling your contract will stop all ads running on Yelp, including the ads that are already scheduled for the future. After cancelling the contract, you have the option to pay the remaining balance due on your contract or let the contract expire. You can also continue to pay the monthly fees and keep the contract open if you decide you’d like to use Yelp Ads again in the future.

When to Cancel Your Contract

There are many reasons why you may want to cancel your Yelp Ads contract, but you may also be hesitant to cancel because you don’t know if you’re able to get a refund. Although you will most likely not be able to get a refund on the remaining balance due on your contract, you may be able to get a refund if you cancel the contract early. Here are a few scenarios that may warrant cancelling your contract early, even if you’re still able to get a refund:

Your business has changed

If your business has changed in any way—such as the type of products or services you offer or a change of management—you may want to cancel your contract. Businesses may also want to cancel their contract if Yelp has made significant changes and those changes have negatively affected their ad performance.

You no longer want to pay for ads

If you no longer want to run ads on Yelp and simply want to cancel your contract and get your money back, you’re welcome to do so. However, keep in mind that cancelling your contract early will end your advertising relationship with Yelp and also cancel any scheduled ads. –

You’re not seeing results

If you’ve been running ads on Yelp for a while but don’t see any results, you may want to cancel your contract and look for a better advertising option.

Is Cancelling Free?

Yes, cancelling your contract is free unless you cancel your contract early since you’re still able to get a refund on the remaining balance due on your contract. However, cancelling your contract early may mean that you’re unable to get a refund. If you want to cancel your contract and get a refund, you may want to wait until your contract expires, which is usually after one or two months.

Should you still use Yelp ads even if you cancel?

While you may be eager to cancel your contract and get a refund, you should make an effort to use your ad as much as possible before cancelling it. This can help you determine if ads on Yelp are right for your business and if they’re providing any value. If you’ve been running your ad and don’t see any results, you may want to cancel your contract. However, if you see positive results but haven’t been running your ad very often, you may want to keep the contract open.

Why you may want to keep your ad contract with Yelp

Even if you decide to cancel your Yelp Ads contract and get a refund, you may still want to keep the contract open. Keeping your contract open will allow you to run ads at a later date; this could be helpful if you decide to change your ad stats or product mix later down the road. Keeping your contract open can also help you build your relationship with Yelp and may make it easier to get your ads approved in the future.

Final Words

Cancelling your Yelp Ads contract can be a smart decision if you don’t see any value in them or they’re simply not working for your business. Before cancelling your contract, make sure you understand the cancellation terms and consider the potential impact on your ads. If you decide to cancel your contract, make sure to use your ad as much as possible before cancelling it so you can get a good feel for its effectiveness.