Starting a fish table business is an excellent way for anyone to make a little money from their hobby. With the right approach and some careful planning, it’s possible to turn your passion for fishing into a profitable venture. After all, fish are among the most popular home-aquatic pets and there’s always demand for them. Typically, a fish table business will involve you buying or breeding freshwater fish such as koi carp, goldfish or tropical varieties. You then sell these on a subscription basis. Alternatively, you can lease a small plot of land that is close to an established lake or pond and build your own fish house there. You then stock the pond with trout or other hardy species and charge visitors to catch their own dinner. Here we look at some things you should consider before starting up a fish table business in your area:

Decide on the type of fish you’ll raise

Your first decision will be which type of fish you’ll raise, and there are a number of factors to consider. First and foremost, you’ll want to choose fish that you actually enjoy. If you are indifferent to the species you are keeping, you’re unlikely to be as dedicated to their care and well-being. Second, you’ll need to consider the type of fish that sells well in your area. Popular species include koi carp (both ornamental and edible), goldfish and tropical varieties such as guppies, tetras, bluegill and tilapia. Third, you should be aware of the licensing requirements for different fish.

Some species, such as carp and salmon, can only be raised for breeding purposes. Others, such as tropical fish, are often prohibited. Fourth, you’ll need to consider which fish are easiest to raise. Check with other fish table owners in your area for advice. You’ll also want to choose species that fit into the seasonality of your climate. Some fish are only feasible to raise during warm months, while others are most viable in colder months.

Decide where your business will be based

An important consideration when deciding where to base your fish table business is proximity to large urban centers. This is because demographics play a significant role in determining demand. It’s also important to choose a location that is convenient for both you and your customers. If you’re not near a major population center, you may want to establish your business online. There are a number of fish table businesses that operate solely online. If you do decide to base your operation near an urban center, you’ll have to consider zoning laws. Some areas have restrictive rules governing fish farms and businesses that sell fish, so be sure to check before you start. You may also want to consider where your potential customers live relative to your fish farm. If you locate near a river or lake, for example, you can draw customers from a wider region.

Acquire your initial stock and equipment

Starting a fish table business can be expensive, and you’ll need to acquire your initial stock and equipment before you open for business. The first thing you’ll want to do is determine what type of fish you’d like to raise. Tropical varieties are both inexpensive and easy to care for and produce fast, which can help you get your business off the ground. They also have a high survival rate, which means you won’t lose many fish. When you purchase your initial stock, you’ll want to purchase enough to meet your business’s needs for at least six months.

Tropical fish are typically sold in large bags containing hundreds of specimens. Koi carp, by contrast, are often sold in individual containers. You’ll also want to acquire the equipment necessary to sustain your fish. Tropical fish can be sustained in small containers, often the same ones they’re sold in. Some species of carp, however, can grow quite large, so you’ll want to acquire larger containers. You’ll also want to acquire the necessary equipment for feeding and cleaning your fish. This may include a small water pump and filter, feeding jars and feeder, a net for cleaning containers and a thermometer for monitoring water temperature.

Build or lease a suitable facility

If you choose to build your fish farm, you’ll need to plan carefully. You’ll want to select a site that is close to an abundant source of water and has easy access to utilities. You’ll also want to take zoning laws into consideration. Your fish farm must be at least 100 yards away from the nearest residence and 50 yards away from the nearest public road. Next, you’ll want to determine what type of facility you want to build. Tropical fish can be sustained in a variety of small containers, while carp are often raised in ponds. You’ll also want to determine how big your facility should be. You’ll want to have enough fish to meet your needs, but you’ll also want to have enough room to accommodate future expansion. Your facility will also need to be accessible for maintenance purposes.

Establish and promote your brand

Your brand plays a significant role in determining the success of your fish table business. It is the first thing people will associate with your company, and it should be memorable, unique and appropriate to your target audience. It’s important to determine your brand before you open for business. This way, you can use your branding efforts to market your company while you’re getting your business off the ground. Some ways you can establish your brand include designing logos and emblems, creating a website and establishing a social media presence. It’s also important to talk about your brand with your customers. People want to know what you stand for and what makes you special. Use your branding efforts to promote your business in a positive and engaging manner.


Starting a fish table business is an excellent way to make a little money from a hobby. You can choose the fish you like best, and you can also choose the method of raising them. It’s a great way to get kids involved in the hobby, as well. When you start your fish table business, make sure you do your research and make a plan. That way, you’ll be sure to succeed!