You probably wouldn’t think of laundromats as a booming business. But in fact, there are more than 22,000 laundromats in the United States alone. Many of these businesses have been around for decades and show no signs of going out of style anytime soon. After all, who doesn’t like clean clothes? From millennials to baby boomers, everyone needs clean clothes. If you’re intrigued by starting your own laundromat business with no money upfront, read on. In this blog post we will give you some ideas on how to start a laundromat business if you have no cash to invest but want to get started today (and for free).

What you will need to start a laundromat business

If you don’t have any money, the first thing you need to do is get past that. There are a lot of people who don’t have any money and still have successful businesses. With that said, there are also some things you’ll need to have before you even begin to start your business. – Space – You can’t have a laundromat without a place to locate it. – Customers – It doesn’t matter if you have the best business in the world if no one knows about it. – Machines – Simply put, you need equipment. You need washers, dryers, and a front-end (that’s where customers put their clothes).

SEM and Google Adwords

One of the first things you should do is start an SEM campaign. You can use Google Adwords to get traffic to your website and start getting customers in the door. You can do this for free by clicking on the “Adwords” tab and then “Create an account.” Be sure to make your laundromat website as detailed as possible. You want to make sure you persuade people to come in and use your services. There are also some other things you can do with SEM, like SEO, Facebook ads, and Google search engine optimization. However, SEM is your best bet for getting customers right now.

Laundromat equipment

You may have some customers coming in right away, but you’ll need equipment. If you don’t have the cash upfront to buy equipment, you can try to find a vendor who will lease you their machines. One way to find a vendor who will lease you equipment is to go to a laundromat that has the type of equipment you need and ask them who they lease from. Be sure to visit a few laundromats before you choose one so that you can get an idea of what different vendors offer. You’ll want to find someone who will lease you the best equipment for a fair price. This will help you get the equipment you need to get your laundromat up and running and customers will appreciate clean clothes even more when they see you have the best equipment possible.

How to promote your laundromat business with no money

There are a few ways to promote your business for free. For starters, you can post flyers wherever people gather. This could be at your local library, grocery store, or coffee shop. You can also post fliers on community bulletin boards, near laundromats that don’t have a strong business, and at college campuses. Another way to promote your business is through word of mouth. Ask your friends and family members if they know anyone who needs their clothes cleaned. You can also offer referral discounts (e.g. $5 off per load). If you don’t have any money to invest in advertising, you can get creative and find new ways to promote your laundromat for free.


If you have ever thought about starting your own laundromat business, now is the time to do it. With all the new online shopping trends and the ease of ordering online and having your clothes delivered to your door, you’d be surprised that laundromats are still in high demand, especially among the elderly. With that said, you’ll want to make sure you are prepared before you even start your business. You’ll want to make sure you have the right equipment and that you find the right location. You can also try partnering with other laundromats to expand your customer base and make more money.