As the leader in your industry, you probably charge top dollar for your services. If you’ve spent even as little as a few hours researching and pricing comparable services, you know there’s no way you could offer your services at that price. You also know that if you want to continue offering your services at that price point and keep growing revenue from new customers, you need to find other ways to bring in more paying customers.

That’s why it’s so important for leaders in niche industries to understand how much their own cost of customer acquisition might actually be worth. If you don’t know how much a customer is worth to your company, how can you know if it makes sense to spend money on acquiring new customers? You need an understanding of the cost of acquiring new customers and the ROI it provide. Any capital expenditures are strategic investments rather than waste of resources.


What is the cost of customer acquisition?

The cost of acquiring a new customer is the price you charge for each new customer. As well as the cost of attracting and retaining each customer. These costs will vary depending on your industry and your customer acquisition strategy. For example, in healthcare, acquiring new customers is very expensive because it involves a lot of human resources. Inversely, in some industries, like education, customer acquisition is a relatively cheap process because the product or service has to be provided freely by the company.

If you’re trying to charge $40,000 for a service, and you’re looking to acquire 100 customers that would cost you $4,000 per customer. Now, if you wanted to bring in more dollars from each customer, you could charge that higher price. Now, let’s say you’re not charging that high of a price. You’re still not bringing in 100 customers, what is the cost of your marketing? It’s $4,000 per customer.


Why is understanding the cost of acquisition so important?

First, and most importantly, you need to understand the cost of acquiring a new customer. So that you know if it makes sense to spend money on acquiring new customers. If the cost to acquire a new customer is too high, there’s no reason to spend money on acquiring new customers. The cost of acquiring new customers is already high enough. If the cost of acquiring a new customer is too low, then the market is too small. Secondly, you need to understand the cost of acquisition because that’s how you’ll know if your marketing budget is optimized. You might know how much revenue you can bring in from each customer, but you might not know if your marketing budget is optimized.


How to calculate the ROI of your marketing budget

If you spend $100 on acquiring a customer to acquire one customer, that number, then, is what you’ve spent on each customer you’ve acquired. Now, you need to subtract the revenue you’ve brought in from that customer. So, in our healthcare example, we were operating on a $4,000 customer acquisition cost to get the first customer. Now, we’re operating on a revenue of $50,000 per customer, so we’ve spent $50,000 on each customer we’ve acquired. Now, we can subtract our revenue from that $50,000 per customer. So, in this case, our return on investment (or ROI) is $150,000.


Are you optimizing your marketing budget?

If you’re not careful, you could be spending a lot of money on marketing and generating very little in return. You might think that a marketing budget of $100,000 is enough to bring in new customers. If you’re not optimizing your budget, you’re probably spending more than that. If you dig a little deeper, you might find that a marketing budget of $100,000 is actually less than you’d be comfortable with. This is why it’s so important to understand the cost of acquiring new customers and the ROI it provides. If you know that a marketing budget of $100,000 is actually a $200,000 marketing budget, you can be a little more confident that you’ve allocated your resources correctly.


Are you missing opportunities to acquire new customers?

If you don’t know how much your marketing budget costs and if you’re not sure if your budget is optimized, you could be missing great opportunities to acquire new customers. The best way to avoid this is to understand the cost of acquisition. Make sure your marketing budget is optimized. By understanding how much your marketing costs, you can make sure that any money you spend on marketing is being used effectively. You should understand the cost of acquiring new customers. If you don’t, you risk missing opportunities to acquire new customers.



With digital marketing, it’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of new channels and platforms. The reality is that most of those channels and platforms aren’t generating any revenue. You need to be sure that you understand the cost of acquiring new customers and the ROI it provides.