In any language, the word business is filled with meaning. A business is any organization or company that seeks to generate revenue by providing goods or services to consumers. And while there are numerous words in Spanish related to businesses and commerce, understanding how these words are used and their specific meanings can be challenging for English speakers. Fortunately, as Spanish is also a Romance language, many of the words share similar roots — we just need to dig a little deeper.

Nouns that mean business

Let’s start by examining some of the basic nouns that mean business or commerce.

  • Mercado: Market
  • Negocio: Business or trade
  • Comercio: Commerce
  • Industria: Industry
  • Produccion: Production
  • Consumo: Consumption
  • Circulacion: Circulation
  • Cliente: Customer
  • Pequeno negocio: Small business
  • Negocio local: Local business
  • Negocio de mensajeria: Courier company
  • Negocio de correo: Mail business
  • Produccion de gase y petroleo: Oil and gas production
  • Las Industrias de la aviacion: Aviation industries

Business: The Word

The word business refers to the activities of a company or organization and can also mean the commercial or economic aspect of something. An example of its use can be found in the sentence, “The business of the company is to make money.” You can also use business as a noun to refer to a company or organization. For example, “Our business is planning weddings.” In Spanish, the word for business is negocio. If one is talking about the commercial aspect of something, the word comercio can be used. While comercio can also mean trade or business, the word negocio is usually used to indicate commerce.

Empresa: Company

An empresa is a company, corporation, or business. It can also be used to refer to an organization or institution. In order to understand the difference between empresa and sociedad, one must know the meaning of the prefixes com-, con-, and mis-. Com- or con- denote “with” or “together,” mis- denote “wrong,” and mis- denotes “wrong,” mis- denotes “wrong,” mis- denotes “wrong,” etc. In other words, empresa refers to a business that is owned by one person or a group of people, while sociedad refers to a business that is formed by a group of people and is owned by them.

Sociedad anonima: Corporation or LLC

A sociedad anonima is the Spanish equivalent of an American corporation. A corporation is a legal business entity where a group of people create an organization that is owned by shareholders and managed by a board of directors. The shareholders hold the company’s equity (or stocks) and the board of directors makes decisions for the company. The word sociedad refers to the fact that the business is formed by a group of people, while anonima indicates that the shareholders’ names are not disclosed to the public.

A sociedad anonima is referred to as a corporation in the United States. However, the word “corporation” can also refer to a company with many shareholders or a company that is publicly listed on the stock exchange. In other words, its a business with a large number of shareholders. In Spanish, a corporation is called an empresa de responsabilidad limitada or an empresa limitada por responsabilidad.

Establishment: Establishing or startup

An establishment refers to a continuous business or the place where a business is operated. For example, the word establishment is commonly found in the name of bars and restaurants. In Spanish, the word for establishment is establecimiento. An establecimiento implies that a business has been operating for some time. The word is usually used in reference to hotels, restaurants, or bars where people go for continuous service. An establecimiento can also refer to a shop or store where goods are sold. A person may open a new store and refer to it as un nuevo establecimiento.


Businesses come in all shapes and sizes and span the globe. However, these organizations are only successful when they are able to efficiently and accurately communicate with their clients and partners. For businesses to thrive in any country, they must be able to effectively communicate their products and services in the native language of the people they hope to serve. For business leaders, managers, and employees, learning the key Spanish words related to commerce and business will be an important and valuable investment. By understanding how these words are used and their specific meaning, you can more effectively communicate with your Spanish-speaking clients and partners.