Time and a half is an expression used to denote the act of working longer than normal with compensation. It is a practice that employers use to increase productivity and incentivize workers to work more efficiently. Workers who put in more than 40 hours per week and meet the criteria for overtime are eligible for time and a half pay. Working beyond eight hours in a day, or 40 hours in a week, results in time and a half pay beyond the normal hourly wage. This article explains what time and a half means, how much it is, and how you can get paid it if you’re eligible for it.

What does time and a half mean?

When an employee works more than 40 hours per week, he or she is eligible for overtime pay. This extra compensation is commonly known as time and a half. Time and a half is calculated by multiplying the usual hourly wage by 1.5. So, if you make $15 per hour, time and a half would be $22.50 per hour.

How much is time and a half pay?

Time and a half pay is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by 1.5. It is not uncommon to see multiple employees working overtime in a business or manufacturing facility, or any other type of work environment where there is a need for increased productivity. Overtime wages are a common occurrence, especially during busy seasons or when a project needs to be completed by a certain deadline. The amount of time and a half pay you receive depends on how many hours you work each week. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates that all American employees receive overtime pay after 40 hours in one week. The following table shows how much time and a half pay is for the most common types of jobs:

How to get paid time and a half?

To get paid time and a half, you must work more than 40 hours in a given week. The number of hours you work each week may vary depending on your work schedule. Some employees work a fixed 40-hour workweek, while others work varying schedules of fewer or more hours per week. If you work beyond 40 hours one week, you can file a claim for time and a half pay by submitting a written request to your employer. You may fill out an overtime claim form or simply write a letter explaining why you deserve the extra compensation and how many hours you worked. If your employer denies your request, you can file a complaint with the Department of Labor.

Who is eligible for time and a half?

The eligibility criteria for time and a half pay depends on the type of work you do and your employment status. There are certain jobs where the FLSA sets a threshold for the minimum number of hours required to be eligible for overtime pay. These include: – Administrative employees – They must work more than 40 hours per week. – Employees who earn less than $23,000 per year. – Employees who are on the federal government’s salary threshold – This applies to salaried workers in certain professions like doctors, lawyers, and scientists.


Although it is not mandatory for employers to pay time and a half, most choose to do so to remain competitive in the marketplace and to retain valuable employees. Some companies even offer time and a half pay as part of their company policy. If you work more than 40 hours in a week and qualify for overtime pay, it would be in your best interest to submit a claim for this extra pay. Your employer may deny your request, so you may want to file a complaint with the Department of Labor if your claim is denied.