How To Get A Business Loan: What You Need To Know Before Applying
Getting funding for your business venture is a crucial step toward its success. Unfortunately, most small businesses don’t have access to loans from traditional banks. Luckily, that doesn’t mean you…
What is the Minority Business Owner Certification and How to Get Certified
The Minority Business Certification program is a venture-driven initiative to help African American, Asian American and Hispanic-owned businesses grow. There are more than 44 million business owners in the United…
How To Get Started With Wells Fargo Small Business Account
The Wells Fargo Small Business account is a unique banking solution integrated into the Wells Fargo ecosystem. You can open a small business checking or savings account with a local…
How to Get the Best Health Insurance for Your Small Business: An Affordable Approach
Small businesses have a level of complexity that larger companies don’t. That’s because with so much on your plate, it can be easy to overlook the little things until they…
Key Performance Indicators: What Are They and How Can You Implement Them?
In today’s world, it’s no longer necessary to have a crystal clear vision of your company’s mission and values, you need to know what are KPI’s. Instead, you need a…
Medicare Tax Overview: What You Need to Know About the Medicare Tax
The Medicare tax is an additional tax of 1.45% that you pay on your personal income, which is referred to as your taxable income. This tax is charged on the…
Payroll Calculations: Guide for Small Businesses and Individuals
In the world of small business, things can get a little hectic. There are so many things to take care of and no one to answer your questions. However, that…
The Cost of Customer Acquisition: A Primer To Help You Get The Most Out of Your Marketing Budget
As the leader in your industry, you probably charge top dollar for your services. If you’ve spent even as little as a few hours researching and pricing comparable services, you…
What Is Entrepreneurship: An Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. After all, with the current economic climate, everyone wants to know how to become their own business owner.…
How To Find Retained Earnings On A Balance Sheet
The balance sheet is where you keep your company’s financial information. It shows the value of assets, such as cash and investments, and liabilities — the debts that your business…