Did you know that the current job market is the best it’s been in decades? Or that now is actually a great time to quit your job? It’s true, and here are six reasons why: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in July 2022 was 3.5%. This is the lowest it has been in nearly two decades. There are more jobs than ever before, and those who are looking for work have more options than ever before. If you’ve been thinking about quitting your job, now is a better time than ever before to do so—and here are six reasons why.

There’s more money to be made

One of the most important reasons to quit your job is that there’s more money to be made. We’ve now had two full years of extremely low unemployment in the U.S., and wages are rising as employers compete for workers. There are currently more open jobs in the U.S. than there are unemployed people. So as workers, we have more power than ever before. If you’re trying to decide whether you should quit your job, the best way to determine whether now is a good time is to look at your salary. Then see what other companies are paying for the same work. If your salary has stayed the same or even decreased over the years—or if you’re making less than what you could be making—now is a great time to quit your job and find one that pays you what you’re worth.

You can find a job that you actually like

The job market is extremely flexible right now, and you can find work almost anywhere. If you’ve been in the same job for years, and you’ve been hating it just as long, now is a good time to quit. You can apply for other jobs in your field, or look for work in an entirely new field. If you’ve been thinking about switching careers, now is a perfect time to start making the transition. Not only is the job market extremely flexible, but most employers are also incredibly forgiving. Employers want to hire people who are passionate about their work, and you’re much more likely to be successful in a job that you love than a job that you hate.

Companies are desperate for skilled workers

Many companies have been struggling with hiring issues for years now. They’re hoping that the current economic climate will change. More companies are using contract employees, freelancers, and remote workers as an alternative to in-house employees. If you’ve ever thought about being a remote worker, now is a great time to do it. Remote workers are in high demand, and companies are often very flexible about how many hours you work and how much you get paid. If you’re currently working for a company where you don’t want to be, it’s a good time to quit. There are dozens of industries that are desperate for skilled workers, and you can probably find a remote job in one of them.

Your resume will look amazing

Another reason why now is a good time to quit your job is that your resume will look amazing. Employers like people who are willing to take the initiative and quit their job to find something better. Employers know that it’s a great time to quit, so they’re impressed when you do it. If you’re currently employed, it’s a good idea to keep your plan to quit a secret. You don’t want your boss to know that you’re planning to quit—or that you’re actively job hunting.

If you’re currently employed, you should only be applying for jobs that are similar to your current job. Employers might be impressed that you’re actively looking for a new job, but they don’t want to hire someone who’s planning to leave in a month. If you’re thinking about quitting your job, now is the perfect time to do it. Your resume will look amazing, and you can take advantage of the current job market to find something better.

Quitting is an opportunity to reboot

Another reason why now is a good time to quit your job is that it’s an opportunity to reboot. The average person changes jobs 8 times during their career, so quitting your job is a completely normal part of life. If you’ve been in the same job for years, and you’re feeling like it’s time for a change, now is a great time to quit. When you quit your job, you get the opportunity to completely reboot your life. You can move to a new city, start a new career, and make tons of new friends. New experiences are always good for you, and quitting your job is a great way to challenge yourself and try something new. Even if you stay in the same city and keep the same career, quitting your job is a great way to shake things up and try something new.


If you’ve been thinking about quitting your job, now is the perfect time to do it. The current job market is the best it’s been in decades, and companies are desperate for skilled workers. Your resume will look amazing, and it’s an opportunity to reboot your life. You can quit your job to find something better, and you’re more likely to succeed if you quit now.