SEO articles are key to helping Google show your content to the right people.
What is an SEO article- An SEO article is something that you are going to write to drive people to your website. This article is going to use “search engine optimization” or SEO for short to help your article rank higher in Google or Bing ranks.
SEO is a great way to drive traffic to your website, for free!
How to write an SEO article… The idea is that you’re going to find out what your customers are searching for, and your going to put up content that Google can understand as well as your customer.
Beginner SEO article writing best practices…
Start by making a list of search terms. This is going to be niche specific and it will be terms that are listed all over your website. These are going to be the keywords that are peppered throughout your article. These keywords are going to help search engines find your content.
Include keywords in the title of your article. Literally name your article something your audience or customer will be searching for. Look above for example.
Include keywords in the the first 300 words of your article. Tell Google or any other search engine, “Hey, I’m writing about SEO for beginners.” which will help them serve this to the right people.
Include the keywords in the metadata and the tags. If you don’t know what metadata and tags are, they are tools used on digital assets to create terms that describe your project. The tags don’t usually appear to users and are used by search engines for SEO.
Don’t keep it too short. Keep your article between 400 and 1000 words. Search engines like meaty articles that have some substance. If it’s a quick subject like a beginners introduction to SEO then that’s fine but try to keep it above 400 words.
Link to other articles you have written on the subject. Google loves searching all over your site for relevant content to serve your customer. If you have two articles that have similar goals like SEO and Making Simple Sales Funnels, links will make both articles rank better.
Most importantly you articles need to be valuable to your audience. The keywords, title, and tags need to be relevant to what your customer is searching. Write content that helps them and that they would care about. If you do this your reader will stay on your site longer, which will tell Google that they are enjoying your content, and this article will be shown to more people.